A purple and white wreath, arranged by your local florist. Containing white roses, white germini, cream spider chrysanthemum, white carnations, purple lisianthus and iris.
A bright and vibrant wreath arranged by a local florist. Containing yellow germini, yellow spider chrysanthemum, orange alstroemeria, iris, purple lisianthus and cerise spray carnations.
A cricket bat and ball shaped tribute. Red Roses and Carnations with white spray Chrysanthemums with a touch of variegated Dracaena, white Hypericum, black Cordyline and Asparagus Fern. 10x79cm.
A beautiful tribute of fresh stunning roses and foliage, this traditionally tied sheaf made of a dozen roses is an elegant and gently arrangement, hand crafted and delivered by a local florist with care.
An elegant creamy white single ended spray. Yellow Gerbera, cream spray Carnations, Hypericums and white Viburnums are lovingly intertwined with variegated Dracaena, Foxtail Ferns, Cocculus and variegated Ivy.