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Blue & White Wreath

A purple and white wreath, arranged by your local florist. Containing white roses, white germini, cream spider chrysanthemum, white carnations, purple lisianthus and iris.

Bright & Vibrant Wreath

A bright and vibrant wreath arranged by a local florist. Containing yellow germini, yellow spider chrysanthemum, orange alstroemeria, iris, purple lisianthus and cerise spray carnations.

Classic White Wreath

A classic white Chrysanthemum based wreath with a pink Rose and Genista spray.

Pink & White Wreath

A pink and white wreath, arranged by your local florist. Containing white germini, pink carnations, pink lisianthus, white alstroemeria, white chrysanthemums and pink spray carnations.

Red & White Wreath

A red and white wreath, arranged by your local florist. Containing red carnations, white lisianthus, red spray carnations, white chrysanthemums, red alstroemeria and gypsophila.

Red Wreath

A red wreath design arranged by a local florist, with deep red roses, red spray carnations, red chrysanthemum and red carations.

White Lily Wreath

A stunning white Lily wreath with a dash of green Hypericum, variegated Dracaena and Pittosporum.

White Wreath

A beautiful white Rose and Jasmine wreath with a generous mix of foliage.

Yellow & Blue Wreath

A yellow, blue and white wreath, arranged by your local florist. Containing white carnations, yellow spider chrysanthemum, purple lisianthus, iris and white spray carnations.

Yellow & White Wreath

A yellow and white wreath, arranged by your local florist. Containing yellow germini, cream spider chrysanthemum, white carnations, white lisianthus and yellow spray carnations.