Showing 109–120 of 136 results

Vibrant Blooms

A stunning mix of lilac roses and green carnations create this vibrant bouquet. Complemented with delicate foliage.

Vibrant Coffin Spray

A colourful casket spray. Cerise Roses, green Cymbidium Orchids, Anthuriums, Chrysanthemums and Hypericum with orange Gerbera and Carnations are interspersed with purple Lisianthus beautifully presented on a bed of luscious green foliage.

Vibrant Double Spray

A vibrant double ended spray featuring orange Roses, pink Germini, purple Lisianthus with green Chrysanthemums and Carnations.

Vibrant Sheaf

A simply stunning, vibrant hand tied sheaf. Orange and cerise Roses, purple Aconitum, pink Hydrangea, green Anthurium and orange Gerbera perfectly mixed with Molucella, red Cordyline, Aspidistra and Aralia leaves, Cocculus and red Dracaena.

Vibrant Spray

A vibrant single ended spray comprising of mauve Calla Lilies, purple Aconitum, Liatris and Chrysanthemum, orange Germini and Carnations with green Anthurium and Chrysanthemums. Variegated lime Dracaena, black Cordyline and Aralia leaves complete the design.

Vibrant Tied Sheaf

Tied sheaf in oranges, purples and pinks. With Aisiatic Lilies, pink Gerberas, purple Lisianthus

Vintage Blush

This beautiful bouquet is made up of pink lilies and blush roses, surrounded by delicate white alstroemeria and chrysanthemum.

Violet Spray

A beautiful single ended spray in soft violet shades. This arrangement is an amongst our customers due to the popular colour scheme and the delicate and memorable look. This handcrafted funeral flowers which are delivered by a local florist.


Our Waltz bouquet contains a mix of pink and white alstroemeria which will open up in the home and last for up to 3 weeks!

White & Green Spray

A single ended funeral spray in white and green shades, including open roses, hydrangea, lisianthus, and dark green foliage, which completes this classic arrangement.

White & Purple Sheaf

A delicately scented white Rose and lavender Freesia hand tied sheaf with lavender Veronica, white Germini and Viburnum blooms.

White Double Ended Spray

A classic white double ended spray. Featuring white Roses, Lilies, Hydrangea, Lisianthus, Chyrsanthemums and Carnations.